Tattoo Artist 3
by Game Pill & AddictingGames
Tattoo Artist 3
by Game Pill & AddictingGames
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A Game Overview
Tattoo Artist 3 is a free puzzle game. Have you always wanted to get some ink done? How about doing the work yourself? Well, now’s your time to become a master artist in this fun art game. You’re just starting out at your new job and you have a variety of customers to choose from. Some may be wimps and others may be able to handle the pain. Your job is to color within the lines! That’s right—this sounds like some grade school easy stuff but good luck on some of these outlines. On top of getting the art right, you want to get it done as quickly as possible and get all the colors right. If you mess up, then your boss will only give you three chances. On the third strike, you’re fired! With every happy customer, you’ll get cash that you can use for upgrades. Calming tea, mood booster, magnifying glass, and a better drawing tool are items that can help you better as an artist. A calming tea will help you shake less, a mood booster will make the timer run slower, and a magnifying glass will help you get in the lines better. The best item you can get is the Titan-2000 which will help you make beautiful art! You should definitely check out this fun and random art game.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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Use your mouse and left-click to draw on the client. Upgrades are available to make your work easier.
Who developer Tattoo Artist 3
Tattoo Artist 3 was developed by Game Pill & AddictingGames.
Release Date
November 2010
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Tattoo Artist 3?
Requires browser support FLASH
Is Tattoo Artist 3 a free to play?
Yes, Tattoo Artist 3 is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Tattoo Artist 3?
Use your mouse and left-click to draw on the client. Upgrades are available to make your work easier.
Who developed Tattoo Artist 3?
Game Pill & AddictingGames
When was Tattoo Artist 3 released?
Released date: 2010-11-12T05:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Tattoo Artist 3?
Use your mouse and left-click to draw on the client. Upgrades are available to make your work easier.
Play Tattoo Artist 3 with Video Trailer