Link It Up
by Alien Play
Link It Up
by Alien Play
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A Game Overview
Link It Up is an exciting platform game. Life is a puzzle, it is a mystery. It is a journey from point A (birth) to point B (death.) Link It Up is also a game about going from point a to point b, and yes if you fail you just might fall into the neon spikes and die. But while you're here, while you're out there running around and moving dots and lines, you're not just alive: you're living. The pungent inevitability of entropy is always all around you, can you link up the dots in order to paint yourself out of deaths corner? Even for a minute, even for a second. You can run but you can't jump. You will need your puzzle skills in order to build bridges to the future and dominate. The leaderboard is yours for the taking if you have the strength to grasp it and hold on like you've never held before. Do it if you can.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
More Games Like Link It Up
For more online Puzzle, check out our Puzzle and browse the selection. You also can play other games such as,The Impossible Quiz,Link It Up and more.
LMB to move the line, RMB to reset the line, W,A,S,D to move the character.
Who developer Link It Up
Link It Up was developed by Alien Play.
Release Date
February 2020
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Link It Up?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Link It Up a free to play?
Yes, Link It Up is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Link It Up?
LMB to move the line, RMB to reset the line, W,A,S,D to move the character.
Who developed Link It Up?
Alien Play
When was Link It Up released?
Released date: 2020-02-06T20:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Link It Up?
LMB to move the line, RMB to reset the line, W,A,S,D to move the character.
Play Link It Up with Video Trailer