
by Cloud Games

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  • Spotle
  • Spotle

    by Cloud Games
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A Game Overview

Spotle is a free abstract strategy game. In this startling game of 'connect the dots', there is no static pattern. Instead, you'll be forced to find the signal in the noise. The game will generate a grid of multi-colored dots. Because its random every single game will be different. Once the grid has been generated it is your job to find orthogonally aligned Dots of different colors that need you to connect them. In order to score as many points as possible, you'll have to connect as many spots of the same color orthogonally. You may go from left to right and create jagged patterns as long as the connections being made are orthologous. However, you are forbidden from connecting the dots diagonally. The game will be timed and you will gain victory points based on how many individual connections you can make within that time limit. You can also activate various power-ups along the bottom of the screen. These power-ups will grant you bonus points and a variety of different abilities. However, be aware that when you activate these different power-ups and abilities you will have aa limited amount of time to use them and can only use them that one time. You'll have to be strategic about which ability you use and when. Good luck.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

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If you are on a mobile device use your finger to click on and select a dot which you will connect to an adjacent colored dot by dragging it orthogonally. If you are playing the game on a desktop computer use your mouse to connect the colored dots.

Who developer Spotle

Spotle was developed by Cloud Games.

Release Date

August 2018

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)


What is browser requirements to play Spotle?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Spotle a free to play?

Yes, Spotle is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Spotle?

If you are on a mobile device use your finger to click on and select a dot which you will connect to an adjacent colored dot by dragging it orthogonally. If you are playing the game on a desktop computer use your mouse to connect the colored dots.

Who developed Spotle?

Cloud Games

When was Spotle released?

Released date: 2018-08-21T16:00:00+00:00

Are there any tips for Spotle?

If you are on a mobile device use your finger to click on and select a dot which you will connect to an adjacent colored dot by dragging it orthogonally. If you are playing the game on a desktop computer use your mouse to connect the colored dots.

Play Spotle with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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