Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library
by FM Studio
Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library
by FM Studio
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A Game Overview
You hear them grumble, snicker, and taunt their vulgar jeers into the darkness. The Twins are searching for you, room by blackened room. It won't be long before they find you under the desk. You have the fire poker you found, maybe you could fight back? Maybe, but maybe escape makes more sense. You see a closed fire door that leads to an outer stairwell. On the other side of the room is an open door that leads into more darkness. The fire door may be locked, but you still have that skeleton key. The open door might be a dead-end or it might be another hall with more opportunities. No time to try both. Three choices, one chance, and no guarantees. The sound of the rain flowing through the eaves outside sounds like whispers and now you're seeing glimpses of the Twins flashlight as it creeps through the darkness. 'Glenda, come out come out' they sneer. They're in the office adjacent: you're next. Gripping the fire poker you take a deep breath and close your eyes. All this trouble for a book, a stupid haunted book that you can't even read without going mad. You wonder about what you've seen tonight, how much of it was real? Will anyone believe you when you tell them? Will you get out to tell someone? A shock of thunder crashes through the darkened library.
Open your eyes and make your move.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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To play this escape game, click everything and anything as you investigate your surroundings. Click on any people or beings that you see that may have clues to what you’re supposed to do next. There are various puzzles to solve as well as items that you may need to collect to help you solve the mystery. You’ll have clues and notes in your notebook that you can refer to from your toolbox at the bottom of this online game.
Who developer Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library
Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library was developed by FM Studio.
Release Date
March 2020
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library a free to play?
Yes, Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library?
To play this escape game, click everything and anything as you investigate your surroundings. Click on any people or beings that you see that may have clues to what you’re supposed to do next. There are various puzzles to solve as well as items that you may need to collect to help you solve the mystery. You’ll have clues and notes in your notebook that you can refer to from your toolbox at the bottom of this online game.
Who developed Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library?
FM Studio
When was Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library released?
Released date: 2020-03-19T19:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library?
To play this escape game, click everything and anything as you investigate your surroundings. Click on any people or beings that you see that may have clues to what you’re supposed to do next. There are various puzzles to solve as well as items that you may need to collect to help you solve the mystery. You’ll have clues and notes in your notebook that you can refer to from your toolbox at the bottom of this online game.
Play Forgotten Hill Disillusion: The Library with Video Trailer