
by Diemorth Games

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  • Arcandies
  • Arcandies

    by Diemorth Games
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A Game Overview

Arcandies is a magic-themed puzzle. You're here and she is over there. AAll you have to do is get from here to there and then get her from there to here. it sounds simple, it sounds funny but it's not. Arcandies is the 16-bit puzzle game of your dreams, or possibly your nightmares, depending on what you're into. It is a game that will challenge your conceptions of time and space and force you to make tough choices as fast as you can. Do you have the critical thinking skills required to unlock the mystery that is this game? If not, that is fine. You can just practice your skills in this game. It is as much of a teacher as it is a friend. A game designed to entertain, educate, and keep you occupied. 

Spacial recognition and moving things in a determined pattern in order to optimize their effectiveness and get them from point A to point B doesn't require any magical abilities but it sometimes feels like that. When you get behind the wheel of this game and take it out on the open road you'll see that there is a lot under the hood, it has a lot of complexity and a lot of depth. All of it is wrapped up in a nice neat little package. 

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

More Games Like Arcandies

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Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. While playing you will use your mouse to move characters to their like-colored portal.

Who developer Arcandies

Arcandies was developed by Diemorth Games.

Release Date

December 2019

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)


What is browser requirements to play Arcandies?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Arcandies a free to play?

Yes, Arcandies is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Arcandies?

Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. While playing you will use your mouse to move characters to their like-colored portal.

Who developed Arcandies?

Diemorth Games

When was Arcandies released?

Released date: 2019-12-30T18:24:05+00:00

Are there any tips for Arcandies?

Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. While playing you will use your mouse to move characters to their like-colored portal.

Play Arcandies with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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