Word Blitz
by TK
Word Blitz
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A Game Overview
Word Blitz is a free word game. in the sky, below you, and all around you are a torrential downpour of letters. The letters are coming at you from all angles, it is a jumbled mess. You need to step up and take control of the twisted and chaotic mess of letters. you need to use your finger to connect the letters and form words. We have it on pretty good authority that if you were to connect the letter you might be able to spell some words and those words would be worth points and those points unlock future levels and those levels report to a leaderboard system and that leaderboard system is how you show off your accomplishments to other players from all over the world. Word Blitz is a game that will keep you guessing, clicking, and looking for the next combo of letters that may just unlock the next level. Remember, once you can see the words in your own mind's eye you will be able to see them everywhere in the world. All around you are words, words build worlds, and now it is your time to shine and connect the dots for hours of word nerd style fun.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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On your desktop computer or mobile device please use your mouse or finger to click or tap and hold on to the letters you think make up the words. Then you will have to drag to connect the, and make the words come to life. There is also a button to let you re-scramble, and unscramble the letters.
Who developer Word Blitz
Word Blitz was developed by TK.
Release Date
August 2021
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Word Blitz?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Word Blitz a free to play?
Yes, Word Blitz is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Word Blitz?
On your desktop computer or mobile device please use your mouse or finger to click or tap and hold on to the letters you think make up the words. Then you will have to drag to connect the, and make the words come to life. There is also a button to let you re-scramble, and unscramble the letters.
Who developed Word Blitz?
When was Word Blitz released?
Released date: 2021-08-26T19:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Word Blitz?
On your desktop computer or mobile device please use your mouse or finger to click or tap and hold on to the letters you think make up the words. Then you will have to drag to connect the, and make the words come to life. There is also a button to let you re-scramble, and unscramble the letters.
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