The Shapes

by OdiusFly

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  • The Shapes

    by OdiusFly
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A Game Overview

Shapes is a free clicker game. In Shapes there are no second chances, there is only your ability to recognize a like-colored laser beam as it sweeps its way towards your pyramid. If you wish to live and continue playing you'll need to spin your triangle either clockwise or counter-clockwise in order to match the color of one of its sides with the color of the incoming beam. This is simple at first but as time wears on the game gets faster and there are beams one after the other. Making the decision to rotate to green clockwise instead of counterclockwise is the exact kind of choice that could spell your doom. This is a game that requires concentration and a mastery of pattern recognition and reflex. Your hand-eye coordination better be fast enough and smart enough to spin the triangle or its curtains. This is a simple, minimalist game that will have you spinning, back-spinning, and trying to match beam to side as if it were an Olympic sport.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

More Games Like The Shapes

For more online Clicker, check out our Clicker and browse the selection. You also can play other games such as Kids Color Book,Jumping Color,Helicopter Game and more.


Use your left mouse button to spin the shapes either clockwise or counterclockwise. On a mobile device use your finger and tap on either side of the shapes to spin it one way or the other.

Who developer The Shapes

The Shapes was developed by Odiusfly.

Release Date

March 2022

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)


What is browser requirements to play The Shapes?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is The Shapes a free to play?

Yes, The Shapes is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play The Shapes?

Use your left mouse button to spin the shapes either clockwise or counterclockwise. On a mobile device use your finger and tap on either side of the shapes to spin it one way or the other.

Who developed The Shapes?


When was The Shapes released?

Released date: 2022-03-03T20:00:00+00:00

Are there any tips for The Shapes?

Use your left mouse button to spin the shapes either clockwise or counterclockwise. On a mobile device use your finger and tap on either side of the shapes to spin it one way or the other.

Play The Shapes with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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