Mr Pong
by TK
Mr Pong
by TK
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A Game Overview
Mr. Pong is an avoider game. Hello, and meet Mr. Pong. Mr, Pong is an avoider. He likes to avoid spikes, as do we all. In order to avoid these spikes and hold on to what is left of his life, Mr. Pong needs you to click responsibly as you guide him from one marshmellow to another marshmellow while avoiding the black spikes which line the side of the screen. Remember, the spikes are bad and the marshmallows are good. Mr. Pong is a physics game that depends on your ability to navigate the game with but a few clicks of your mouse. The physics engine is this game is predictable but not realistic. You'll have to spend time trying to gauge the sensitivity of each click before you can truly master this puzzling strategy game and rocket your way up the leader board. The leader board is the only true measure of a person's worth. In order to conquer it you'll have to work with the physics of the game and defeat the game altogether.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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Use your mouse to click on the screen and activate the floating and falling of Mr. Pong. You want to work with the physics of the game and help guide him from one marshmellow to the other marshmellow.
Who developer Mr Pong
Mr Pong was developed by TK.
Release Date
November 2019
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Mr Pong?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Mr Pong a free to play?
Yes, Mr Pong is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Mr Pong?
Use your mouse to click on the screen and activate the floating and falling of Mr. Pong. You want to work with the physics of the game and help guide him from one marshmellow to the other marshmellow.
Who developed Mr Pong?
When was Mr Pong released?
Released date: 2019-11-21T10:00:17+00:00
Are there any tips for Mr Pong?
Use your mouse to click on the screen and activate the floating and falling of Mr. Pong. You want to work with the physics of the game and help guide him from one marshmellow to the other marshmellow.
Play Mr Pong with Video Trailer