Sum Stacks
by Elio Landa Games
Sum Stacks
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A Game Overview
Sum Stacks is a free math-puzzle game. All the world is math and we are but mathematicians trying to figure out the algorithms, additions, and subtractions that make up existence. In Sum Stacks, you will use your unholy knowledge of arithmetic in order to add it up, subtract it down, and cut your way through level after level. In this game, you will be given a sum and some tablets. Your job is to use the tablets to subtract or add to a series of numbers in order to achieve the foregone sum. While simple addition and subtraction are technically easy this game takes them to places you'd never expect. In Sum Stacks you'll find yourself doing the kind of math you've never dreamed was possible. This is a game for people with a quick wit and a keen sense of value. Test your skills against the never-ending barrage of numbered tiles that demand you take them and apply them to an ever-increasing chain of un-related sums just waiting to be achieved.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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On your desktop or mobile device please use your mouse to point and click or your finger to tap. The point of this game is to use the provided tiles to add up to or subtract down to the shown sum after you apply it to the numbers.
Who developer Sum Stacks
Sum Stacks was developed by Elio Landa.
Release Date
November 2021
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Sum Stacks?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Sum Stacks a free to play?
Yes, Sum Stacks is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Sum Stacks?
On your desktop or mobile device please use your mouse to point and click or your finger to tap. The point of this game is to use the provided tiles to add up to or subtract down to the shown sum after you apply it to the numbers.
Who developed Sum Stacks?
Elio Landa
When was Sum Stacks released?
Released date: 2021-11-11T04:20:13+00:00
Are there any tips for Sum Stacks?
On your desktop or mobile device please use your mouse to point and click or your finger to tap. The point of this game is to use the provided tiles to add up to or subtract down to the shown sum after you apply it to the numbers.
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