Spy N Find Collage
by Shockwave
Spy N Find Collage
by Shockwave
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A Game Overview
Spy N Find Collage is a daily hidden object game. There are some hidden objects games where you must find items in buildings or landscapes, but this version is a bit more chaotic. With Spy N Find Collage, the objects are among hundreds of other objects in this collage of sheer messiness. There are random objects like foods, animals, devices, tools, and toys that will be layered among other objects. There are bowls, oranges, candy corn, ice trays, and toy cars. Nothing in this collage makes sense together but together they make this fun hidden object game! This will not be an easy chore so get to searchin’! Tune in every day for a new mess to search through and new items to find. You play against other professional finders as you all battle it out to the top of the daily leaderboards. You are allowed 3 wrong guesses before it hurts your score.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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To play this hidden object game, click on an item from the left-hand list. The scoring is based on how quickly you can search with any mistakes. If you click on the wrong answer or you take a hint, time will be added to your score.
Who developer Spy N Find Collage
Spy N Find Collage was developed by Shockwave.
Release Date
September 2021
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Spy N Find Collage?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Spy N Find Collage a free to play?
Yes, Spy N Find Collage is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Spy N Find Collage?
To play this hidden object game, click on an item from the left-hand list. The scoring is based on how quickly you can search with any mistakes. If you click on the wrong answer or you take a hint, time will be added to your score.
Who developed Spy N Find Collage?
When was Spy N Find Collage released?
Released date: 2021-09-16T19:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Spy N Find Collage?
To play this hidden object game, click on an item from the left-hand list. The scoring is based on how quickly you can search with any mistakes. If you click on the wrong answer or you take a hint, time will be added to your score.
Play Spy N Find Collage with Video Trailer