Solitaire 2048

by TK

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  • Solitaire 2048
  • Solitaire 2048

    by TK
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A Game Overview

Solitaire 2048 is a free solitaire game. We are all alone. No matter how many friends you have, how large your family is, and how many Linkedin connections you have, existence is a solitary pursuit. And there is nothing wrong with being alone, in fact, it can be so rewarding that there is an entire genre of games dedicated to the world of being alone and flying solo. That is right, solitaire is a genre of games that are meant to celebrate the full breadth of the human experience, even the parts of it that we do alone. In Solitaire 2048 you will thrill to the adventures of math and its never-ending mission to add numbers together in order to create larger numbers, in order, in fact, to create the number 2048. Sound easy? You're probably thinking 'why sure, why not just add 1024 to 1024, and by golly, you'll have 2048.' Yes, that would be easy but our experts have assured us that it wouldn't be fun. And these guys are smart, that is what we pay them for! They all went to school for this stuff and in many ways, we are indebted to them for their hard work, sacrifice, and progressive vision. Solitaire 2048 is a game where you add cards of a single suit to create a larger number and eventually create a number like say 2048. But here is the thing, you'll be given a bunch of different columns you can add the cards to. It's not just one and that is basically the game.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

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On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to point and tap or your mouse to point and click. You will do this in order to move some cards around.

Who developer Solitaire 2048

Solitaire 2048 was developed by TK.

Release Date

March 2022

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)


What is browser requirements to play Solitaire 2048?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Solitaire 2048 a free to play?

Yes, Solitaire 2048 is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Solitaire 2048?

On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to point and tap or your mouse to point and click. You will do this in order to move some cards around.

Who developed Solitaire 2048?


When was Solitaire 2048 released?

Released date: 2022-03-10T20:00:00+00:00

Are there any tips for Solitaire 2048?

On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to point and tap or your mouse to point and click. You will do this in order to move some cards around.

Play Solitaire 2048 with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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