by Bart Bonte
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A Game Overview
Pink is a free puzzle game. You have just discovered that everything everywhere is a puzzle game. The colors in front of you, the numbers all around you, the flamingos walking by, and the clickity-clacks of your favorite mouse. Abstract puzzle games are the new rage and Pink is one of the best. In Pink you'lll be given no instructions and expected to figure out what the problem is and then how to solve it. You can point, click, drag, and re-arrange things as best you like but you have to figure out how the game works if you want to win. Pink will take control of your mind as you try to unravel the secrets at its core. The different levels will often hint at how to overcome them but ultimately you'll have to figure it out on your own. The controlsof this game are bafflingly easy yet you'll be pulling your hair out as you try to reveal where they should be used, how they should be used, and why they should be used. Pink is another entry in the long-standing series of abstract puzzle games where the only hint you have at how to play it is the color in the title and the cryptic image onscreen. enjoy playing and let us know how long it took you to figure it all out.
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For more online Puzzle, check out our Puzzle and browse the selection. You also can play other games such as,The Impossible Quiz,Link It Up and more.
On your desktop computer or mobile device use your mouse to point and click or your finger to point ant tap as you interact with the images on screen and figure out whether you tap, drag, pinch, or smudge in order to unlock each levels secret.
Who developer Pink
Pink was developed by Bart Bonte.
Release Date
July 2021
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Pink?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Pink a free to play?
Yes, Pink is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Pink?
On your desktop computer or mobile device use your mouse to point and click or your finger to point ant tap as you interact with the images on screen and figure out whether you tap, drag, pinch, or smudge in order to unlock each levels secret.
Who developed Pink?
Bart Bonte
When was Pink released?
Released date: 2021-07-08T19:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Pink?
On your desktop computer or mobile device use your mouse to point and click or your finger to point ant tap as you interact with the images on screen and figure out whether you tap, drag, pinch, or smudge in order to unlock each levels secret.
Play Pink with Video Trailer