Math Invasion

by Math Games

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  • Math Invasion

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A Game Overview

Math Invasion is an educational game designed to help students practice their math skills without getting bored. Math homework can sometimes be tedious, but practice makes perfect. What better way to study than by making it a fun adventure. This online game encourages you to solve math problems quickly in order to stop an alien invasion. It is your job to protect your planet as big, green, and ugly aliens are coming towards your planet to take it over. Answer the math problem correctly to shoot them down. Answer them incorrectly, and the alien gets close to destroying your planet. Look to the upper-righthand corner to see how many aliens you must defeat, and how many lives you have left. Destroy all the aliens before losing all of your lives!

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

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To play this math game, select your grade, and then select an available math skill. At the bottom of the screen, you will be prompted to answer a math question with multiple choices. Select the right answer in order to advance in the game and defeat the alien invasion. If you select the wrong answer, you may lose a life. You can click on the menu if you want to play a different skill.

Who developer Math Invasion

Math Invasion was developed by Math Games.

Release Date

December 2020

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)


What is browser requirements to play Math Invasion?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Math Invasion a free to play?

Yes, Math Invasion is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Math Invasion?

To play this math game, select your grade, and then select an available math skill. At the bottom of the screen, you will be prompted to answer a math question with multiple choices. Select the right answer in order to advance in the game and defeat the alien invasion. If you select the wrong answer, you may lose a life. You can click on the menu if you want to play a different skill.

Who developed Math Invasion?

Math Games

When was Math Invasion released?

Released date: 2020-12-10T20:00:00+00:00

Are there any tips for Math Invasion?

To play this math game, select your grade, and then select an available math skill. At the bottom of the screen, you will be prompted to answer a math question with multiple choices. Select the right answer in order to advance in the game and defeat the alien invasion. If you select the wrong answer, you may lose a life. You can click on the menu if you want to play a different skill.

Play Math Invasion with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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