Mahjong Flowers
by inlogic
Mahjong Flowers
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A Game Overview
Mahjong Flowers is a flower-themed free Mahjong game. We hope you like flowers because in Flower Mahjong not only will you be playing the classic game of 'Mahjong' but you'll be doing it with a totally cool flower theme. That's right: Flowers. Take all of the fun and excitement of pattern recognition that you love from the classic game of Mahjong and combine it with the floral aesthetics we all crave you wind up with Mahjong Flowers. The tiles in this game are large and their faces contrast violently against the backings of the images on them, this means that you'll have an advantage when it comes time for making patterns and clicking on them as fast as you can.
And yes, speed is a factor.
In this game not only are you being timed, but you are being awarded gold, silver, bronze or no stars based on your performance. The side of the screen features a count down to gold, silver, bronze, and nothing. If you can complete the Mahjong puzzle before the count down reaches each level of the star, you gain that star. If not you get nothing. Nothing.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. You will also use your mouse to select matching Mahjong tiles and make them disappear.
Who developer Mahjong Flowers
Mahjong Flowers was developed by INLOGIC.
Release Date
December 2019
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Mahjong Flowers?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Mahjong Flowers a free to play?
Yes, Mahjong Flowers is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Mahjong Flowers?
Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. You will also use your mouse to select matching Mahjong tiles and make them disappear.
Who developed Mahjong Flowers?
When was Mahjong Flowers released?
Released date: 2019-12-26T08:13:21+00:00
Are there any tips for Mahjong Flowers?
Use your mouse to click on and through the various in-game menus. You will also use your mouse to select matching Mahjong tiles and make them disappear.
Play Mahjong Flowers with Video Trailer