
by TK

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  • Macarons

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A Game Overview

Macarons is a free puzzle game. We all love a sweet treat now and then, perhaps even more often than we'd like to admit. Macarons is a fast and furious puzzle game that forces you to connect the dots and find the path from one macron to another. If you like candy, sweets, and treats of all kinds then surely this is a game that will speak to you. Macarons is a game about connecting like-colored macarons to other like-colored macarons without crossing the streams or leaving any part of the path unfound. If you love games, you love treats, and you love life then this is the sweet-tasting, brain-teasing game for you. Each level is progressively more difficult as you unlock more macarons and more complex pathways. We feel you'll be able to make it tothe end but it won't be easy. It will however be fun, a lot of fun. Almost as fun as eating actual macarons which are the Cadilac of French Pastries. Join us for an addicting sweet treat that is as puzzling as it is tasy.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

More Games Like Macarons

For more online Puzzle, check out our Puzzle and browse the selection. You also can play other games such as,The Impossible Quiz,Link It Up and more.


On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to tap and drag or your mouse to point and click to draw connections.

Who developer Macarons

Macarons was developed by TK.

Release Date

September 2021

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)


What is browser requirements to play Macarons?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Macarons a free to play?

Yes, Macarons is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Macarons?

On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to tap and drag or your mouse to point and click to draw connections.

Who developed Macarons?


When was Macarons released?

Released date: 2021-09-02T01:28:11+00:00

Are there any tips for Macarons?

On your mobile device or desktop computer please use your finger to tap and drag or your mouse to point and click to draw connections.

Play Macarons with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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