Killer Sudoku

by Zygomatic

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  • Killer Sudoku
  • Killer Sudoku

    by Zygomatic
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Daily Sudoku
Killer Sudoku
Daily Killer Sudoku
Daily Calcudoku
Daily Kaodoku
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Daily Sudoku X
Life Sudoku
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Daily Wordoku

A Game Overview

The Killer Sudoku is a html5 game. Play Killer Sudoku or Sumdoku. Fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9, such that each row, column and box contains each number only once. Additionally, a Killer Sudoku grid is divided into cages, each cage has its own background color. The values of the cells in a cage must sum up to the total for that cage, shown in the cage's top left corner. The same number cannot appear in a cage more than once.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

Tips and tricks to play

  • Play tactically
  • Act quickly

More Games Like Killer Sudoku

For more online sudoku games, check out our sudoku games and browse the selection. Zygomatic have also released other games such as Daily Wordoku,Daily Killer Sudoku,Daily Kaodoku,Daily Sudoku X and more.

Who developer Killer Sudoku

Killer Sudoku was developed by Zygomatic.

Release Date

August 2019

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Chrome OS, Linux, MacOS, Android, FireOS, iOS)


Is Killer Sudoku family friendly?

Yes, Killer Sudoku is a family friendly game.

What is browser requirements to play Killer Sudoku?

Requires HTML5 support

Is Killer Sudoku a free to play?

Yes, Killer Sudoku is play free online HTML5 Games.

Play Killer Sudoku with Video Trailer

Source: HTML5 Games: Play free online html and html5 games for mobile, tablet and desktop

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