Keep Gannet Alive

by Monish Vyas

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  • Keep Gannet Alive
  • Keep Gannet Alive

    by Monish Vyas
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A Game Overview

Keep Gannet Alive is a free avoider game. You are your brother's keeper and it is your job to keep Gannet safe and well-fed. In this fast based avoider game, you're going to have to jump around the screen gobbling up all the delicious food your brother can't eat. Meanwhile, you're also going to have to make sure that Garnet receives all of the food that he is supposed to eat. In the top left-hand corner of the game window there is a timer and an image of the food Gannet is currently craving. Please make sure to only let those foods which Gannet can digest through to him otherwise he'll have an upset stomach and be kind of annoying for a while.

How to Play this Game

Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game

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On a desktop computer use your mouse to click on the Red Circle and move it around the screen intercepting all the food that Gannet should not eat and let through only the food that he craves. You are allowed to make three mistakes in the wrong food you consume and also the food you allow Gannet to consume. Remember, aside from being a picky eater, Gannet has dietary restrictions that make casually eating deserts and fast food a complex but fulfilling adventure.

Who developer Keep Gannet Alive

Keep Gannet Alive was developed by Monish Vyas.

Release Date

September 2020

Play Game on Platforms

  • Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)


What is browser requirements to play Keep Gannet Alive?

Requires browser support HTML5

Is Keep Gannet Alive a free to play?

Yes, Keep Gannet Alive is play free online HTML5 Games.

How do you play Keep Gannet Alive?

On a desktop computer use your mouse to click on the Red Circle and move it around the screen intercepting all the food that Gannet should not eat and let through only the food that he craves. You are allowed to make three mistakes in the wrong food you consume and also the food you allow Gannet to consume. Remember, aside from being a picky eater, Gannet has dietary restrictions that make casually eating deserts and fast food a complex but fulfilling adventure.

Who developed Keep Gannet Alive?

Monish Vyas

When was Keep Gannet Alive released?

Released date: 2020-09-04T02:57:27+00:00

Are there any tips for Keep Gannet Alive?

On a desktop computer use your mouse to click on the Red Circle and move it around the screen intercepting all the food that Gannet should not eat and let through only the food that he craves. You are allowed to make three mistakes in the wrong food you consume and also the food you allow Gannet to consume. Remember, aside from being a picky eater, Gannet has dietary restrictions that make casually eating deserts and fast food a complex but fulfilling adventure.

Play Keep Gannet Alive with Video Trailer

Source: Games - Free Online Games at Addicting Games

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