Jewels Of The Jungle
by True Valhalla
Jewels Of The Jungle
by True Valhalla
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A Game Overview
Jewels Of The Jungle is a free puzzle game. Memory is a fickle thing. What is the past but what we make of it with our weathered memories our tattered regrets, and our wistful wanderings? Some say there is no past and that all memories are but projections of expectations and self-serving anecdotes. We are here to challenge that notion. Of course, memory can be real and can be specific. We believe it would be silly to believe otherwise and we intend to prove it with this fun and fascinating memory game. Consider the ability to blindly match different colored and differently shaped jewels as they are splayed out before you in an uneven grid. This game will present you with a series of tiles, turned away to protect whatever is on them. You need to peak and pull at the individual tiles in order to match two at a time and make the tiles disappear. You will do this until all of the tiles are gone and then a new set of tiles takes their place. You will flip and match those tiles and so on until there are no more tiles, no more past, no more memories! Bask in the almighty here and now as you defeat the past and leave your memories behind.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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On your desktop computer use your mouse to point and click on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles. On your mobile device please use your finger to point and tap on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles.
Who developer Jewels Of The Jungle
Jewels Of The Jungle was developed by True Valhalla.
Release Date
January 2022
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Jewels Of The Jungle?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Jewels Of The Jungle a free to play?
Yes, Jewels Of The Jungle is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Jewels Of The Jungle?
On your desktop computer use your mouse to point and click on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles. On your mobile device please use your finger to point and tap on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles.
Who developed Jewels Of The Jungle?
True Valhalla
When was Jewels Of The Jungle released?
Released date: 2022-01-06T20:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Jewels Of The Jungle?
On your desktop computer use your mouse to point and click on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles. On your mobile device please use your finger to point and tap on the tiles. They will flip and then you must match them to similar tiles.
Play Jewels Of The Jungle with Video Trailer