Escape the Bomb
by Addicting Games
Escape the Bomb
by Addicting Games
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A Game Overview
Escape the Bomb is a stress-inducing escape game where you have to disarm a bomb before it’s too late. It’s an odd situation. Someone has kidnapped you and left you a room with a note. They say it’s nothing personal but now you have two hours to live unless you can defuse the detonator. Can you solve this mystery before your insides get blown to pieces? Escape games are challenging puzzles that require thinking out of the box in using only the limited items around you. Search every corner and crevice until you’ve found every clue possible. Use your items to figure out locks and password that can help you solve this escape game.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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To play Escape the Bomb, you need to use your detective skills to investigate the items around you. Use your mouse to click on the items and place it in your itinerary. Like most escape games, solve any puzzles and figure out any codes that may give you a clue into how to disarm the obstacle. You only have two hours to complete this online game. However, if you don’t make it, you can always retry the game. It may take a few tries before you figure out of this escape game!
Who developer Escape the Bomb
Escape the Bomb was developed by Addicting Games.
Release Date
February 2007
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Escape the Bomb?
Requires browser support FLASH
Is Escape the Bomb a free to play?
Yes, Escape the Bomb is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Escape the Bomb?
To play Escape the Bomb, you need to use your detective skills to investigate the items around you. Use your mouse to click on the items and place it in your itinerary. Like most escape games, solve any puzzles and figure out any codes that may give you a clue into how to disarm the obstacle. You only have two hours to complete this online game. However, if you don’t make it, you can always retry the game. It may take a few tries before you figure out of this escape game!
Who developed Escape the Bomb?
Addicting Games
When was Escape the Bomb released?
Released date: 2007-02-08T05:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Escape the Bomb?
To play Escape the Bomb, you need to use your detective skills to investigate the items around you. Use your mouse to click on the items and place it in your itinerary. Like most escape games, solve any puzzles and figure out any codes that may give you a clue into how to disarm the obstacle. You only have two hours to complete this online game. However, if you don’t make it, you can always retry the game. It may take a few tries before you figure out of this escape game!
Play Escape the Bomb with Video Trailer