Escape: The Bathroom
Escape: The Bathroom
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A Game Overview
Escape the Bathroom is a free escape game where your objective is to get out of this bathroom. How did you even get stuck here in the first place!? You don’t know how it happened but it’s up to you and your ingenuity to figure your way out in this puzzle game. In order to Escape the Bathroom, you’ll need to figure out a series of point and click puzzles. Then, and only then, will you be able to find you way out of this room. Don’t try to simply leave through the door, either. Those lasers probably hurt. Play this funny escape game and figure how to use the seemingly normal bathroom items you find.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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To play Escape the Bathroom, the trick is to click on literally everything. Go from screen to screen, and if it looks like anything at all, click it. You’ll collect items, and you’ll want to use those with anything and everything. You’ll get the lay of the land, and maybe even solve a few puzzles along the way. Once you’ve thoroughly scoured the environment, you should have at least a decent start, and then it’s just a matter of eliminating all the puzzles one by one.
Who developer Escape: The Bathroom
Escape: The Bathroom was developed by
Release Date
May 2009
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Escape: The Bathroom?
Requires browser support FLASH
Is Escape: The Bathroom a free to play?
Yes, Escape: The Bathroom is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Escape: The Bathroom?
To play Escape the Bathroom, the trick is to click on literally everything. Go from screen to screen, and if it looks like anything at all, click it. You’ll collect items, and you’ll want to use those with anything and everything. You’ll get the lay of the land, and maybe even solve a few puzzles along the way. Once you’ve thoroughly scoured the environment, you should have at least a decent start, and then it’s just a matter of eliminating all the puzzles one by one.
Who developed Escape: The Bathroom?
When was Escape: The Bathroom released?
Released date: 2009-05-29T04:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Escape: The Bathroom?
To play Escape the Bathroom, the trick is to click on literally everything. Go from screen to screen, and if it looks like anything at all, click it. You’ll collect items, and you’ll want to use those with anything and everything. You’ll get the lay of the land, and maybe even solve a few puzzles along the way. Once you’ve thoroughly scoured the environment, you should have at least a decent start, and then it’s just a matter of eliminating all the puzzles one by one.
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