Bee Commando
Bee Commando
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A Game Overview
Gather your buzzing armies to take charge against the enemy hive. If you can’t gather your troops, your honey empire comes crashing down. Can you save the queen?
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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Aim at your opponent's hive and hold down the mouse button to launch an attack. Hold down your mouse button while moving backwards to use your shield. This will inflict damage to your opponent's , and will block their attack. Remember to allow your troops time to heal from their wounds. Drag and drop your bees in the turn-based overview map to strengthen your army where it's most needed.
Who developer Bee Commando
Bee Commando was developed by
Release Date
September 2006
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Bee Commando?
Requires browser support FLASH
Is Bee Commando a free to play?
Yes, Bee Commando is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Bee Commando?
Aim at your opponent's hive and hold down the mouse button to launch an attack. Hold down your mouse button while moving backwards to use your shield. This will inflict damage to your opponent's , and will block their attack. Remember to allow your troops time to heal from their wounds. Drag and drop your bees in the turn-based overview map to strengthen your army where it's most needed.
Who developed Bee Commando?
When was Bee Commando released?
Released date: 2006-09-27T04:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Bee Commando?
Aim at your opponent's hive and hold down the mouse button to launch an attack. Hold down your mouse button while moving backwards to use your shield. This will inflict damage to your opponent's , and will block their attack. Remember to allow your troops time to heal from their wounds. Drag and drop your bees in the turn-based overview map to strengthen your army where it's most needed.
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