Battle for Terra: TERRAtron
by Battle for Terra
Battle for Terra: TERRAtron
by Battle for Terra
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A Game Overview
The Battle for Terra is on.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
More Games Like Battle for Terra: TERRAtron
For more online Action, check out our Action and browse the selection. You also can play other games such as,Goose Idle,Electric Man 2 and more.
mouse to move LMB - release small orbs arrow keys or a d - rotate ship
Who developer Battle for Terra: TERRAtron
Battle for Terra: TERRAtron was developed by Battle for Terra.
Release Date
April 2009
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
What is browser requirements to play Battle for Terra: TERRAtron?
Requires browser support FLASH
Is Battle for Terra: TERRAtron a free to play?
Yes, Battle for Terra: TERRAtron is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Battle for Terra: TERRAtron?
mouse to move LMB - release small orbs arrow keys or a d - rotate ship
Who developed Battle for Terra: TERRAtron?
Battle for Terra
When was Battle for Terra: TERRAtron released?
Released date: 2009-04-10T04:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Battle for Terra: TERRAtron?
mouse to move LMB - release small orbs arrow keys or a d - rotate ship
Play Battle for Terra: TERRAtron with Video Trailer