7x7 Ultimate
by inlogic
7x7 Ultimate
by inlogic
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A Game Overview
7x7 Ultimate is a puzzle game. This future of sports is a crazy mash-up of match 7, chess, football, and motocross. Perhaps only you have the tenacity to dive into the ultimate challenge of machine vs mortal, mind vs matter, square vs grid, and color vs shape. Future sports are not for the light of heart. Future sports require more than just the beefy brawn of an overdeveloped physique. True sport warriors are buffed out not only in body but in mind and have the mental capacity to engage with shapes, see patterns where there were none before and match like colors in as few moves as possible. This is a test where only laser accuracy and sharp wits will prevail. So, step right up and get ready to boogie on down. This is the ultimate 7xy challenge, welcome to the grid.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
More Games Like 7x7 Ultimate
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Please use your mouse to select the various squares from the grid and then direct them to the appropriate spaces at the appropriate times.
Who developer 7x7 Ultimate
7x7 Ultimate was developed by INLOGIC.
Release Date
September 2019
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play 7x7 Ultimate?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is 7x7 Ultimate a free to play?
Yes, 7x7 Ultimate is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play 7x7 Ultimate?
Please use your mouse to select the various squares from the grid and then direct them to the appropriate spaces at the appropriate times.
Who developed 7x7 Ultimate?
When was 7x7 Ultimate released?
Released date: 2019-09-19T19:05:47+00:00
Are there any tips for 7x7 Ultimate?
Please use your mouse to select the various squares from the grid and then direct them to the appropriate spaces at the appropriate times.
Play 7x7 Ultimate with Video Trailer