Tower Boxer
by inlogic
Tower Boxer
by inlogic
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A Game Overview
Tower Boxer is an action game where you get to destroy a building. This tall building needs to be demolished, and it is your job to bring it down. Careful not to hit your head on any of the ledges though! Each game is timed, but you earn more seconds the faster you go. Switch out your character with another professional demolisher. Who is certified to demolish buildings? You can be a ninja, a space robot, a wolverine mutant, or a pro-boxer. No matter the building, these professionals can get the job done. Your score is automatically submitted, and you can view both your recent and best score at the end of a game. Play, again and again, to try to beat your best score every time while you rise up the leaderboards.
How to Play this Game
Understanding games is more important than a fast trigger finger. A good way to learn skills like not panicking and about the "rules" of a game
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To play this action game, click on the right or left side of the screen to switch over your character to the other side of the building. Alternatively, if you are on a computer, you can use the arrow keys from your keyboard. Do not run into a ledge or you lose the game. Switch quickly so you also do not run out of time. The red bar at the top of the game lets you know how much time you have left.
Who developer Tower Boxer
Tower Boxer was developed by Inlogic.
Release Date
August 2021
Play Game on Platforms
- Web browser (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, any)
What is browser requirements to play Tower Boxer?
Requires browser support HTML5
Is Tower Boxer a free to play?
Yes, Tower Boxer is play free online HTML5 Games.
How do you play Tower Boxer?
To play this action game, click on the right or left side of the screen to switch over your character to the other side of the building. Alternatively, if you are on a computer, you can use the arrow keys from your keyboard. Do not run into a ledge or you lose the game. Switch quickly so you also do not run out of time. The red bar at the top of the game lets you know how much time you have left.
Who developed Tower Boxer?
When was Tower Boxer released?
Released date: 2021-08-05T19:00:00+00:00
Are there any tips for Tower Boxer?
To play this action game, click on the right or left side of the screen to switch over your character to the other side of the building. Alternatively, if you are on a computer, you can use the arrow keys from your keyboard. Do not run into a ledge or you lose the game. Switch quickly so you also do not run out of time. The red bar at the top of the game lets you know how much time you have left.
Play Tower Boxer with Video Trailer